• Intensive Couples Therapy

    We know that relationships require dedicated time and attention. Traditional one-hour couples sessions may not always provide the time necessary for comprehensive understanding and brainstorming. Our 4-hour Intensive Couples Therapy sessions are designed to provide a deep dive into your relationship dynamics. Facilitated by two clinicians, these sessions allow for more thorough exploration, ensuring that topics are addressed with care and expertise.


    What to Expect:

    • Duration: Our Intensive Couples Therapy sessions span 4.5 hours, allowing for comprehensive exploration and targeted intervention, with time for a break.
    • Dual Clinician Approach: Two experienced and knowledgeable clinicians will work collaboratively with you and your partner(s). This dual perspective brings richness to the therapeutic process, offering diverse insights and tailored support.
    • Session Breakdown:
      • Joint Introduction and Intake: Begin the session together, setting the stage for open communication.
      • Individual Intakes: Explore personal perspectives with each clinician, ensuring a holistic understanding.
      • Break: 30 minutes
      • Joint Therapy: Reunite for joint therapy, fostering shared insights and strategies.
      • Closing: Work together with your clinicians to determine the best next step for your treatment. Some couples may benefit from several intensive sessions, while others may need more traditional "maintenance" therapy.
    • Location: Our Intensive Couples Therapy is exclusively offered in person at our Cleveland office, providing a safe and confidential space for your journey.
    • Cost/Insurance: The cost for an intensive couples session is $1,500.00. To secure your session, a $500.00 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of scheduling. This deposit is applied toward the total cost, with the remaining balance of $1,000 due at or before the start of your appointment. Please note that insurance does not cover these sessions.
    • Paperwork: We believe in maximizing your therapy time. To ensure a focused session, we send out necessary paperwork ahead of time. Please complete these forms at least one week in advance; individual sets are required for each participant.


    Cancellation Policy:

    Life happens and we respect that. However, to honor the dedication required for these sessions, we adhere to a 48-hour cancellation policy. This appointment can be rescheduled one time and the fee can be transferred to a future session. If a cancellation occurs within 48 hours before a scheduled appointment, the $500 non-refundable deposit will not be applied to the cost of any rescheduled/future sessions.


    Why Two Clinicians?

    Couples are complex, and so are their dynamics. Our dual clinician approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of your relationship. It enables us to address individual needs while fostering a comprehensive, balanced therapeutic environment.